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David’s House is a CHBA Award Finalist

“Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.”

– Samuel Taylor Coleridge

We can barely contain the enthusiasm that has been buzzing through the office this week. Not only are we still on a high from our recent BILD Associate Award, but we found out Monday morning that ‘David’s House’ is a finalist for the 2012 Canadian Home Builders’ Association’s National SAM Award for New Custom Home. These awards recognize the best in ingenuity and imagination in the home design and construction industry. With ‘David’s House’ being such a labour of love, it’s an honour to have it considered among the most unique projects of 2012 and to have the efforts of everyone involved in the project recognized.

2012 has been a fantastic year – new clients, new designs, new website and new recognitions. We are grateful for the new relationships we made this year, as well as for the loyal clients and partners who have been a part of the DSD team since the beginning. We look forward to what’s to come in 2013…

Thank you to everyone involved in taking this award-nominated home from conception to completion.

For more information about the 2012 National SAM Awards and to see a complete listing of finalists, visit